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The Current Situation and Development of Health Management in China

Li Jiang,Tao Sha,Li Ming,Fu Hua,Wang Ke’an,Tian Chuansheng and Wang Longde

Strategic Study of CAE 2017, Volume 19, Issue 2,   Pages 8-15 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2017.02.002

Abstract: of 17 typical organizations from Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai to investigate, including community healthservice centers, enterprises, health insurance companies, and health management service companies., community health service centers lack sufficient capacity in terms of personnel allocation and servicein China lack the independent ability to carry out health management services for their staff; health; and health management service companies do not provide real health management services, but only physical

Keywords: health management     health risk appraisal     life span     basic public health service     clinical preventiveservice     community health service     health insurance    

Peacetime and Epidemic Combination Medical Materials Reserve System for Public Health Emergencies

Cai Jianping, Wang Jing

Strategic Study of CAE 2022, Volume 24, Issue 6,   Pages 107-115 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.07.005

Abstract: medical materials support ability and improving the emergency management system in China in case of publichealth emergencies.system that integrates normal time and emergencies and proposes a construction plan from three aspects: basic

Keywords: public health emergencies     medical materials reserve system     normal time and emergency combination     basic    

Toward energy-efficient urban rail transit with capacity constraints under a public health emergency

Frontiers of Engineering Management doi: 10.1007/s42524-024-3088-9

Abstract: Nevertheless, URT’s function in transporting substantial numbers of passengers within confined publicspaces renders it vulnerable to the proliferation of infectious diseases during public health crises

Keywords: energy efficiency     urban rail transit     public health emergency     targeted management     capacity utilization    

E-waste environmental contamination and harm to public health in China

Xijin Xu,Xiang Zeng,H. Marike Boezen,Xia Huo

Frontiers of Medicine 2015, Volume 9, Issue 2,   Pages 220-228 doi: 10.1007/s11684-015-0391-1

Abstract: Pieces of evidence that associate e-waste exposure with human health effects in China are assessed.polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs), bisphenol A (BPA)) on human health

Keywords: e-waste     heavy metal     organic pollutant     hazardous     toxicity     human health     China    

Blockchain application in healthcare service mode based on Health Data Bank

Jianxia GONG, Lindu ZHAO

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2020, Volume 7, Issue 4,   Pages 605-614 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0138-9

Abstract: In this study, HDB is defined as an integrated health data service institution, which bears no “ownership” of health data and operates health data under the principal–agent; (2) data rights; (3) health data supervision; (4) and willingness to share health service mode, and consensus-algorithm-based incentive policy are proposed to shed light onHDB-based healthcare service mode.

Keywords: Health Data Bank     blockchain     data assets     smart contract     incentive mechanism    

Connecting Information to Promote Public Health

Xue-mei Su,Jia Zhao

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2016, Volume 3, Issue 4,   Pages 384-389 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016054

Abstract: These information systems are described as public health information systems (PHIS) in China.Seeing that the information of disease surveillance is provided by hospitals and health service centers) occurs under the policy and investment of health since 2009 in China, there should be a connectionand data sharing mechanism between EMR (EHR) and PHIS to support public health surveillance and publichealth decision-making.

Keywords: public health     information system     data exchange     China    

Development of Public Health College Education Against the Background of Healthy China Strategy

Li Jiantao, Zhang Zhihong, Cao Limei, Wei Meiqi, Nie Jisheng, He Na, Li Liming, Wang Tong

Strategic Study of CAE 2023, Volume 25, Issue 5,   Pages 55-63 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.05.002

Abstract: Relevant educational statistics were collected, questionnaires were distributed to 85 public healthof employers, leaders of administrative departments, and graduates of public health majors., problems including an insufficient supply of public health personnel and an unbalanced supplyTherefore, we should incorporate the training of public health personnel into national strategicpublic-health personnel, and strengthen the teaching staff construction in public health colleges

Keywords: Healthy China     public health     college education in public health     public health system     personnel training    

Nucleic acid-based diagnostics for infectious diseases in public health affairs

Albert Cheung-Hoi Yu, Greg Vatcher, Xin Yue, Yan Dong, Mao Hua Li, Patrick H. K. Tam, Parker Y.L. Tsang, April K.Y. Wong, Michael H.K. Hui, Bin Yang, Hao Tang, Lok-Ting Lau

Frontiers of Medicine 2012, Volume 6, Issue 2,   Pages 173-186 doi: 10.1007/s11684-012-0195-5

Abstract: and viruses but also a result of fungal and parasitic infection, have been one of the most important publichealth concerns throughout human history.

Keywords: nucleic acid-based diagnostics     infectious disease     PCR     NASBA     LAMP     microarray     LOAC     public health affairs    

Changes in public trust in physicians: empirical evidence from China

Dahai Zhao, Zhiruo Zhang

Frontiers of Medicine 2019, Volume 13, Issue 4,   Pages 504-510 doi: 10.1007/s11684-018-0666-4

Abstract: Studies examining the trends in public trust in physicians have provided a considerable amount of valuableThe results of ordinal logistic regression demonstrated that public trust in physicians in China hadSelf-reported health status, self-rated happiness, and self-identified social class were all associatedpositively with public trust in physicians in China.was the major determinant of decreasing public trust in physicians in China.

Keywords: trust in physicians     public trust     physician-patient relationship     health system performance    

Mending the schism between clinical medicine and public health, strengthening disease prevention and

Wang Longde

Strategic Study of CAE 2009, Volume 11, Issue 10,   Pages 148-152

Abstract: justify;">This paper introduced the serious harm caused by the schism between clinical medicine and publichealth in disease prevention and control in China.These reform measures have successfully strengthened the link between clinical medicine and public healthcontrol, including establishing and implementing the criteria for medical institutions to implement publichealth tasks, must be carried out.

Keywords: clinical medicine     public health     schism     disease prevention and control    

Construction of Science and Technology Support System for Public Health Emergencies in China

Li Mingsui, Wang Zhuoran, Wu Yue, Jiang Huili, Yang Juntao, Liu Depei

Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 6,   Pages 139-146 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.06.013

Abstract: health emergencies.To solve the problems of weak foundation of basic medical research and lack of key core technologies,This will improve China’s basic medical research ability and promote the research and developmentAs for insufficient investment in public health and an imperfect personnel system, we suggest to enhancethe leading role of the National Academy of Medical Sciences, increase the input of public health, and

Keywords: public health emergencies,health,scientific and technological support    

Integration of current identity-based district-varied health insurance schemes in China: implications

Hai-Qiang Wang, Zhi-Heng Liu, Yong-Zhao Zhang, Zhuo-Jing Luo

Frontiers of Medicine 2012, Volume 6, Issue 1,   Pages 79-84 doi: 10.1007/s11684-012-0179-5


With China’s great efforts to improve public health insurance, clear progress has been achievedtoward the ambitious full health insurance coverage strategy for all.The current health insurance schemes in China fall into three categories: urban employee basic healthOn the other hand, the establishment and implementation of various health insurance schemes provide thepreconditioning of more sophisticated social health insurance schemes, the increase in the income of

Keywords: health insurance     urban employee basic health insurance scheme     urban-resident scheme     new rural cooperative    

Educational Policy of Public Health Talents in China Under the Background of Comprehensive Health

Duan Zhiguang, Wang Tong, Li Xiaosong, Hu Yonghua, Liang Xiaofeng, Zeng Cheng,Ren Tao, Luo Huiming, Zhang Wenping, Xu Jianguo

Strategic Study of CAE 2019, Volume 21, Issue 2,   Pages 61-68 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2019.02.002

Abstract: there are certain deficiencies and problems in the input, process, and output stages of the current publichealth talent education in China.comprehensive public health talent training system that has Chinese characteristics and involves collegehealth.Furthermore, the government should fulfill its full responsibility in public health education reforms

Keywords: Comprehensive Health     public health     preventive medicine     personnel training     system    

Modernization of Public Service Governance in Rural Areas of China

Ma Chen,Li Jin,Zhao Chunjiang,Zhang Qian,Sun Ning,Song Taichun,Feng Xian,Cao Bingxue

Strategic Study of CAE 2022, Volume 24, Issue 2,   Pages 160-169 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.02.017


The modernization of public service governance in rural areas is a crucialBased on an investigation regarding rural public service governance in 22 provinces (cities and autonomousregions) in China, we summarize the historical evolution and institutional changes of the public serviceMultiple problems remain in terms of public education, health care, social security, employment traininghealth service system, and (5) improving the social security system in rural areas.

Keywords: public service governance     rural modernization     rural governance     co-governance     coordinated development    

Paths for Improving Public Service Capability Regarding Industrial Internet Security

Zhou Hao, Li Jun, Wang Chonghua, Yin Libo, Zhao Qian

Strategic Study of CAE 2021, Volume 23, Issue 2,   Pages 74-80 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2021.02.010


Industrial Internet security public service ensures the healthy developmentIn this article, we elaborate on the importance of industrial Internet security public service whileThe path for improving the basic capabilities of the industrial Internet security public service is proposedFinally, the development of the industrial Internet security public service is prospected from the aspectsof intelligent security service, integrated public service platform, and new generation information

Keywords: industrial Internet security     security-related public service     cybersecurity     industrial information    

Title Author Date Type Operation

The Current Situation and Development of Health Management in China

Li Jiang,Tao Sha,Li Ming,Fu Hua,Wang Ke’an,Tian Chuansheng and Wang Longde

Journal Article

Peacetime and Epidemic Combination Medical Materials Reserve System for Public Health Emergencies

Cai Jianping, Wang Jing

Journal Article

Toward energy-efficient urban rail transit with capacity constraints under a public health emergency

Journal Article

E-waste environmental contamination and harm to public health in China

Xijin Xu,Xiang Zeng,H. Marike Boezen,Xia Huo

Journal Article

Blockchain application in healthcare service mode based on Health Data Bank

Jianxia GONG, Lindu ZHAO

Journal Article

Connecting Information to Promote Public Health

Xue-mei Su,Jia Zhao

Journal Article

Development of Public Health College Education Against the Background of Healthy China Strategy

Li Jiantao, Zhang Zhihong, Cao Limei, Wei Meiqi, Nie Jisheng, He Na, Li Liming, Wang Tong

Journal Article

Nucleic acid-based diagnostics for infectious diseases in public health affairs

Albert Cheung-Hoi Yu, Greg Vatcher, Xin Yue, Yan Dong, Mao Hua Li, Patrick H. K. Tam, Parker Y.L. Tsang, April K.Y. Wong, Michael H.K. Hui, Bin Yang, Hao Tang, Lok-Ting Lau

Journal Article

Changes in public trust in physicians: empirical evidence from China

Dahai Zhao, Zhiruo Zhang

Journal Article

Mending the schism between clinical medicine and public health, strengthening disease prevention and

Wang Longde

Journal Article

Construction of Science and Technology Support System for Public Health Emergencies in China

Li Mingsui, Wang Zhuoran, Wu Yue, Jiang Huili, Yang Juntao, Liu Depei

Journal Article

Integration of current identity-based district-varied health insurance schemes in China: implications

Hai-Qiang Wang, Zhi-Heng Liu, Yong-Zhao Zhang, Zhuo-Jing Luo

Journal Article

Educational Policy of Public Health Talents in China Under the Background of Comprehensive Health

Duan Zhiguang, Wang Tong, Li Xiaosong, Hu Yonghua, Liang Xiaofeng, Zeng Cheng,Ren Tao, Luo Huiming, Zhang Wenping, Xu Jianguo

Journal Article

Modernization of Public Service Governance in Rural Areas of China

Ma Chen,Li Jin,Zhao Chunjiang,Zhang Qian,Sun Ning,Song Taichun,Feng Xian,Cao Bingxue

Journal Article

Paths for Improving Public Service Capability Regarding Industrial Internet Security

Zhou Hao, Li Jun, Wang Chonghua, Yin Libo, Zhao Qian

Journal Article